2018 - 2019 • stem.is

Redesigning the Stem website



Stem needed a fresh, new website that would represent its novel brand and target audience of independent creators well.


What is Stem?

Stem is a distribution and payments platform for artists and their teams. It brings clarity to the complicated process of digital rights management and monetization online.

My role

As Stem’s sole brand designer, I was tasked with redesigning the entire Stem website with little guidance, from mocking up wireframes and prototypes to creating illustrations for each page.

I worked with Marketing and an external agency to map out the proper information architecture, organize content, and ensure that everything could be implemented from a technical perspective.

#branding #discovery #illustration #visualdesign #webdesign

1. Featured pages


About Us



2. Custom illustrations
3. Company pillars

I also designed complementary collateral to represent Stem’s mission and culture.

4. Miscellaneous

Billboards, magazines, and artist/event signage.


Growing the GoodRx Gold subscriber base • Product Design, Visual Design


Stem animations • Illustration, Visual Design